Welcome to my Portfolio! You can read some of my Projects below.
Recent Projects
Project 1: Bank Note Authentication
Took the dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository.Analyzed the Data. Used Scikit-learn library. Split the Data into a Train and test. Used Random Forest Classifier to create the ML model to classify the note as Authentic or Non-Authentic. Thereafter, used Flask web-framework to build the web application and deployed the model using Flasgger. Also, used Streamlit to deploy the model. To make this more scalable, completed the deployment of this ML model pipeline using Docker and Kubernetes.
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Project 2 : Credit Card Fraud Detection
Used Kaggle imbalanced dataset on Credit Card Fraud. Performed Feature Engineering and Feature selection methods on the dataset. Used libraries like Pandas , matplotlib ,sklearn,scipy, pylab, and seaborn to complete this project.Used unsupervised techniques like the Isolation Forest algorithm, Local outlier factor, and One-Class SVM method to detect the frauds. It was found that the Isolation Forest model performed well with an accuracy of 99.74% as compared to other models.
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